THE PURE IDEAS (IP): These are imaginary ideas stirred up in a contemplative state. Pure, because in their essence, they are mental ideas
that can be described through words. That can be expressed in spoken language. Thats why they can be represented in
many ways
or forms. Imaginary idea, perhaps a mere joke.
But looking for the symbolic intensity. Icon-archetype and its ideal form.

PIONEERING IDEAS: The claim, is that the Pure Idea is a pioneering one, at least, inside of ones self memorialistic museum. But in their generation, they appear everywhere. Inside the “hipothese of the simultneaous evolution” of R. Sheldrake: They are “morphic resonance” of its time.
The Pure ideas are made systematically from the 2nd stage, pointed lower down.
NETWORK: In the idealism of producing more ideas than embodiments,bearing in mind a power saving mode, prevents me from getting to a kind of material
plenitude. Preferring to retain for its emergence in the network, a certain testimonial of moral autorship.
STYLE: Understood as the estilomètric capacity in knowing how to perceive the equality and difference on shapes. On the Web, I include works from the early 80`s. There where the historical avant-garde or dogmatic criticism ends. Where can you say that it begins, the longest isthmus of HYBRID or quotationist appropriationism. The end of innovation for innovation. Beginning of the subtle innovations that last until today.

RESEARCH: Reconciliation between form-abstraction-yin and imaginary idea-yang. But not to forget that the shape, although of another nature, it is also content. Due to not getting the desired mixture, I'm always tending to reform my old work. Being a perfectionist is imperfectness, thats why I seek a certain
natural imperfection.
EVOLUTION: Elapsed from a free catharsis, to a wanted positivity that must not be a commercial self-deception.
INFLUENCES: Since I was 14 years old: Miró, Picasso, Dali and Joan Ponç. At 30, the trans-avant-garde neoexpressionism, that has derived to a symbolism with aspects: cosmic, popular, of innocence and vulnerability. The investigation follows: with an intention of reconcile Picasso with Dali.